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Definition of various terms used in Volumetric analysis

Volumetric Analysis:
Volumetric Analysis is to determine the volume of a solution of know concentration require to react quantitatively with a solution of substance to be analyzed.
Volumetric analysis is also called as titrimetiric analysis.

Titrate: Substance to be analyzed or to be determined

Titrant: Reagent of know concentration

Titration: The process of determining the volume

Equivalence point: The point at which complete chemical reaction takes place and equivalent quantity of reagent is used

End Point: The point at which the indicator changes its color 

Indicator: Auxiliary agents used to determine the end point of titration

Concentration: A defined quantity of substance in a defined volume of solution

Normality: The number of gram equivalents of solute present in one liter of solution and represented by “N”

Molarity: The number of moles of solute presents in one liter of solution and represented by “M”

Molarity: The number of moles of solute per 1000gm of solvent and represented by “m”

Importance of Volumetric analysis:
  1. High precision is obtained
  2. Simple apparatus is required
  3. Easy process and fast result
  4. Different methods for different types of substance © 2024 | Contact us | Terms of Use | Privacy Policy | Yellow Sparks Network
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